The Carroll Gardens' Greenmarket finally opened this weekend in Brooklyn. Sure it signals spring really is here, who'd know it […]

After my last plantains post, there was a flurry of email activity with my best friend (you know the one […]

I’ve never been one for fad diets. In fact, I’ve never been one for diets. Instead, I try to eat […]

  That’s me shopping at Venice’s Rialto Market. Mine is not the romantic story of a girl who grew up […]

It's spring break in NYC, so I'll be busy juggling the kiddies and work this week. Here's one of my […]

My shopping priorities are different from many gals I know. On my trip to Italy two years ago, I came […]

“What inspired this tonight” was the Mr.’s question as he spooned a mouthful of this soup on a ridiculously windy […]

I came across this amazing dinner deal by accident. I trekked the kiddies down to Cobblestone Foods on Court Street […]

Making plantains is so easy it doesn’t even require a recipe—it’s all in the technique. I learned this one from […]

A few weeks back I went to an event for a "soft spreads" company which shall remain unnamed, hosted by […]

Some potatoes sitting on my kitchen counter and the need for a quick dinner option this past Sunday inspired this […]

Perhaps the recession has a silver lining. I'm normally a "waste not, want not" sort of gal but heed that […]

Blueberry season may be months away but luckily I froze a lot from last year's Greenmarket harvest. My stash came […]

I recently impulse purchased some mighty fine looking ribs from Flying Pigs Farm at the Union Square Greenmarket in New […]

Every great recipe deserves an exquisite counterpart. I was first introduced to Lambrusco, an Italian sparkling red wine, during my […]

Sundays are usually family breakfast day with the works. Bacon, eggs or waffles, fruit salad, juice ad much needed coffee […]

These yummy brownies were part of a feature I did for Parenting magazine last year. One bite and you'd never […]

Need a healthy snack that also satisfies your sweet tooth? While talking to a neighbor this past holiday season, I […]

 The daily juggle of work, school and extra curricular activities means family time doesn't always happen as planned. On such […]