A little peek at Mother's Day 2011. I slept until 10:30, but should confess that isn't reserved to just one […]

Funny how after spending so much time with someone, you start to think like one being. This holds true for […]

There's this wedding tomorrow, and I hear it's going to be a fancy affair. Instead of donning my Sunday best, […]

This cake was a joint effort, of sorts. Last week Virginia and I went to the market before I dropped […]

One would think focusing wouldn't be an issue with all the deadlines looming this week. It's a sunny day though, […]

Before you adjust your Encyclopedia Brown magnifying glass, you're correct in wondering where the heck the cheddar is in that […]

Last night I hosted a Passover seder for my in-laws. Today my Easter Bread recipe is featured on The Washington […]

About 15 years ago, I awoke during a thunderstorm. I'd been sleeping over the Mr.'s apartment, back when he lived […]

Would you think me totally crazy if I said hummus has become a comfort food? The simplicity of homemade flatbread […]

A few years back Isabella and I were strolling through a neighborhood supermarket. Her eyes locked with a display of […]

As I neared the corner, I looked both ways. Certain no one was in eyeshot on what was a hail-ridden […]

Slow down, you move too fast. You've got to make the morning last… Lately, I've been focusing on trying to […]

This picture reminds of the New York I grew up in. A shot like this used to symbolize the city. […]

I'm very late to the homemade kale chip party. I've never been one to jump on the bandwagon, much preferring […]