Whenever M witnessed someone behaving inappropriately, he would ponder the question of ignorance vs. arrogance. The first can be easily […]

I fell hard and fast for persimmons right around this time last year. The girls and I were visiting Todd […]

Like the quick snap of a finger, October is upon us. Is it me, or did that seem to come […]

I want to say it took me a full two weeks to get used to the back to school schedule, […]

I needed a parole from my life back in Brooklyn. An escape where there were no schedules, responsibilities, wants or […]

To say I’ve been feeling overwhelmed would be a severe understatement. It’s just been one of those weeks where all […]

I burned a pot boiling water today. I’m not joking, and, thankfully, was able to laugh when I realized what […]

It happens like clockwork every year, that moment when the first whisper of fall comes crashing in. The calendar may […]

I’m offering an apology before I go any further. The zucchini hazelnut quick bread you see above isn’t making it […]

My eyes stared in bewilderment as I read the words “I rarely bake on vacation”. This last week in North […]

The first time I came back to the Cape after Michael died, it had just been thirteen days. I remember […]

I’ve been a moving target the last two years, running, trying to dodge the reality of learning to live without […]

This syrup lives up to its name of being simple. All you do it is take equal parts sugar and […]