Funny, how I’ve decided to do Weight Watchers without a scale (yet). The last one I owned broke, and never […]

At some point, around the middle of last week, I felt like I should start carving marks in the kitchen […]

After two weeks of settling into life in Maryland, we’re back upstate. I signed the girls up for camp here […]

I’m constantly in awe of the way life revolves, continuing on and on, whether or not you’re ready for the […]

Watching everything come alive these last few weeks has been incredible after the long, cold, and snowy winter. Last week […]

best chocolate chip cookie recipe The reality of moving finally hit me. You’d think the boxes around the house would’ve […]

Violets seem a little magical to me. Just a few days ago I looked around the yard, and there was […]

Here we are, entering the last full week of April. It feels like the month just began with our trip […]

Moving forward is not as easy as one might suspect. Moving forward means leaving something behind. I found out something […]

The transition from winter to spring is quite incredible to watch happen here. It seems we were buried under a […]

Yes, it’s a busy week around here indeed. Kind of funny when you think about it. I leave the country […]

Just a quick check in to say hello. I’ve spent far too much time working this weekend, but it’s all […]

I realize the general consensus regarding Mondays is that they’re an unwelcome event. I prefer to see them as a […]

It’s been a while, I know. Life has been quite busy, and I didn’t mean to stay away for this […]

I ate chocolate cake for breakfast two days in a row. I suppose I could call it research and development […]