I was cooking dinner last Friday when my phone beeped with a message from one of my best friends. It […]

My mind drifted to our old apartment, the one back in Brooklyn, while driving Virginia to school today. Sometimes I […]

I’ve always loved these last two months of the year. People tend to share a kinder side of themselves, perhaps […]

“I wonder if the neighbors think the guy in 720 and I are having some tawdry affair, as we wander […]

A funny thing happened while writing this post. My finger brushed the keyboard, hitting the delete key ever-so-lightly, and voila!—the […]

I know what you’re thinking. There’s nothing sexy about beet greens. I mean, getting most people to eat beets alone […]

Yes, I know. Those lobster rolls above have nothing at all to do with ribs, but I’m still dreaming of […]

Four years. As a friend wrote to me this morning, four years sounds so long, but when you’re living it…feeling […]

Funny, how I’ve decided to do Weight Watchers without a scale (yet). The last one I owned broke, and never […]