So, if you follow along on Facebook, then this BLT salad will look familiar. I shared a sneak peek at the video a couple of weeks ago just after making it on Snapchat.

Yes, the title is misleading. This isn’t one of those prolific moments to share, but it is momentarily life changing. I first tried kombucha years ago, just around the time it started to become the new buzz drink. I could barely get past the first sip.

Some nights, as we settle down to dinner, I question my motives. While I usually try to include something that’ll make everyone happy at the table, there are nights when I’m the only one excited about the feast before us.

I’ve had frico on my To Do list for some time, sharing the recipe that is, not making them. They’ve been part of my cooking tricks for a while now.

Simple syrups are incredibly easy to make. You can season them as you like, infusing fresh herbs, or dried fruits, and then you’ve got a nice flavor boost for cocktails, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

As I mentioned last month, I’ve started working with Parade’s Community Table, contributing slide shows to their website. What I […]

Last week I had a moment while peeling potatoes for soup—that’s how these crispy potato skin straws came to be. […]

With each page, statistic, and tidbit of information I absorb from Most Likely to Succeed (see last week’s Thankful Thursdays), the […]

A few days ago, I posted a photo of this sparkling skinny margarita cocktail on Instagram to the delight of many. […]

I’m a late bloomer in my love for cauliflower. No particular reason, except for the fact that we didn’t grow […]

I’ve had crema a few times but none have inspired me to try and make it until eating at Diego’s […]

Fried chicken cutlets were a staple growing up. It wasn’t until I was well into my 20s that I became […]

Recently, I began playing around with cassava flour. A reader whom I had the pleasure to meet in person a […]