Hello Garden


Red leaf, romaine and boston bibb lettuce growing in my Brooklyn backyard.

I returned from a Love Your Veggies Retreat in Chicago ready to tackle my own garden. The weather was amiss the first weekend but that gave me time to shop around for container prices and decide what to plant. My dream garden would have consisted of raised beds made of untreated cedar. Time, and the fact that I'm not well versed in using a hammer or drill, meant I would start small and see if I could grow beyond the typical basil and parsley plants.

I did get one large untreated cedar planter and went with terra cotta for the rest (a real deal at $5.99 a piece at Ikea). The veggies are nestled in layers of organic soil and organic compost. If this year's experiment proves successful and these edible goodies survive a season with me, then I will enlist help to build those beds for next year. In the meantime, I thought I'd take a moment to welcome my new babies to the world. I'll be blogging and tweeting my good fortune (fingers crossed) or lack of during the coming months. Please feel free to leave a comment with any tips or suggestions to aid me in my journey.

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I've gotten great gardening tips so far from these tweeps:



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