some friday thoughts

This picture reminds of the New York I grew up in. A shot like this used to symbolize the city. It had grit, character and a forboding sense of danger.

The sanitized streets of Times Square are a new addition, and frankly one I often wish had never happened. Good for tourism, perhaps, but now a Starbucks and CVS on every corner sometimes makes it feel indistinguishable from Anytown, USA.

The Mr. and I often talk of moving to sunnier pastures. Warmer places where the growing season doesn't come to an abrupt halt. Then I stroll the streets of my birthplace, and wonder if I'll ever be ready to uproot myself.

While I may never end up saying goodbye to this fair cityā€”who knows what life holds, it doesn't mean I'm bound by my boundaries.

Today, the only recipe I'd like to share is how to really make the most of social media. Just go out and meet people. Hiding behind a laptop and 140 characters has served me well, but it's called social media for a reason.

Last week I spent my Friday afternoon with a new friend, enjoying some great Thai food. This Friday held the same good fortune.

A girl could get used to this.

The only thing that could make Fridays better is spending them walking lazily around the city with the Mr., hands clasped, his nose resting against my forehead every now and again.

Spending a few hours eating these milk-braised baby zucchini and that caraway omelet, finally connecting the virtual dots to my real lifeā€”well, that's a pretty awesome consolation prize.



My life is richer for knowing Gina and Kim. I'm blessed to live a stone's throw from Olga (though our schedules still prove challenging just trying to meet for coffee). I wish I was Alice's neighbor, to help her through these last few monthsā€”that means I'd be closer to Shauna too.

Now my inner circle includes a few new real-life friendsā€”I'm beginning to think all Jennifers have a spunky personality. Though there's one Jen I know who's more quiet than the rest of usā€”she's still a sweet, lovely person nonetheless.

I can't wait to meet the rest of you. Maybe we'll even grab a knish at Yonah Shimmel or Kim might even share that Veal Paillard with you if we stop into Prune for lunch.



  • MikeVFMK

    Reading through this post is like taking a stroll through a familiar neighbourhood and coming across friendly faces on every street corner. So lovely.

  • Amber | Bluebonnets & Brownies

    It will be good to finally meet you at BSP, Jennifer. Jen Schall is one of my favorite people, and my very bestest friend Maggy has nothing but wonderful things to say about you. We’re just far enough away (45 mins) from the city that meet-ups like the one you had today don’t happen that often for me. But I’m looking forward to BSP with renewed gusto at all the new (but familiar via social media) faces I’ll meet. And holy cow, milk braised zucchini? Yes, please!

  • Barbara | VinoLuciStyle

    Truer words never spoken! I’m a social person. I love the connections made on Twitter but it’s the IRL ones that come from it that are the best manifestations of those tweets. I know it will happen with you…even if I have to beg you to come west young woman!

  • Amber | Bluebonnets & Brownies

    It will be good to finally meet you at BSP, Jennifer. Jen Schall is one of my favorite people, and my very bestest friend Maggy has nothing but wonderful things to say about you. We’re just far enough away (45 mins) from the city that meet-ups like the one you had today don’t happen that often for me. But I’m looking forward to BSP with renewed gusto at all the new (but familiar via social media) faces I’ll meet. And holy cow, milk braised zucchini? Yes, please!

  • Amber | Bluebonnets & Brownies

    It will be good to finally meet you at BSP, Jennifer. Jen Schall is one of my favorite people, and my very bestest friend Maggy has nothing but wonderful things to say about you. We’re just far enough away (45 mins) from the city that meet-ups like the one you had today don’t happen that often for me. But I’m looking forward to BSP with renewed gusto at all the new (but familiar via social media) faces I’ll meet. And holy cow, milk braised zucchini? Yes, please!