And just like that, it’s strawberry season
Time is a thief. Someone commented this recently on an Instagram post, and wow is it so true. A thief with rewards, perhaps? As time takes from us, it also gives back in the form of memories and lived experiences, which of course can be a double-edged sword. Parenthood teaches you that. Each happy memory leading you one step closer to the moment your children are ready to take flight.
Time also gives the gift of repetition. If one can be patient enough, that gift can be felt with the seasons, and so here we are again, greeting another spell of strawberries surfacing at farm stands. I should mention I’ve not yet secured any of these said berries but have seen them in my Instagram feed ever so slowly. Some are commanding a ransom-like price of $8 a pint (crazy, I know). That cost annoys me greatly not because I think the farmers don’t deserve it but because they know the city folk who’ve inundated our area the last 15 months can afford to, and will, pay that price.
This isn’t my first strawberry season rodeo, though, and I know that as they become more plentiful the price will even out a little. First of the season strawberries are usually destined for snacking. As the prices come down a little, then it’s time to start jamming. I have two (or is it three?) jars left from last year. Using the first in, first out (FIFO) rule of the restaurant business, the older jams will get used up for crostata, pop tarts and maybe even swirled into ice cream (you can use this recipe and just swap in some jam for the chunks of birthday cake).
In the meantime, below are some ideas for my favorite strawberry recipes from years past. Also, have you had a chance to check out my new site? I’m sharing weekly meal planning there, and offer an opportunity to enjoy my original recipes ad-free (really, no ads whatsoever on the site!). You can learn more about subscribing here.

Strawberry Violet Popsicles | Click here for recipe

Strawberry Rhubarb Crumb Cake | Click here for recipe

Strawberry Waffles | Click here for recipe

Strawberry White Chocolate Chunk Scones | Click here for recipe

Strawberry Honey Rosemary Jam | Click here for recipe

Strawberry Cherry Pie | Click here for recipe

Strawberry Buttermilk Doughnuts | Click here for recipe

Strawberry Almond Milk | Click here for recipe

Strawberry Rhubarb Margarita | Click here for recipe

Strawberry Hand Pies | Click here for recipe

Simple Strawberry Pie | Click here for recipe
Peggy Sherry
For some reason your Instagram account is blank, do you have any idea?
Thank you,
Hi Peggy. It’s been working fine for me so not sure why you see it as blank. -Jennie