Treat Yourself Tuesday

I felt like Tom Ford for 72 hours recently while in Las Vegas. This thought occurred to me, as I settled in for my second bath of the day while staying at the Aria Resort & Casino. Not quite the four baths a day Mr. Ford gets to indulge in, but for a gal who rarely has the time to enjoy a bath, it had me feeling like quite the lady of leisure.

An invitation to attend the 46th Pillsbury Bake Off brought me to Vegas. We had a pretty busy schedule the whole time, but during one chunk of downtime I managed to escape to the spa for an incredible hot stone massage; it was my reward for a very productive three hours of writing beforehand.  As I laid on the massage table, an idea popped into my head to start a weekly column called “Treat Yourself Tuesday”. I felt incredibly fortunate that I was able to take those 50 minutes to unwind, and thought about how many of us look out for others, yet forget about nurturing ourselves.

My morning coffee is a big ritual. I don’t have it first thing. In fact, I wait until after the kids are dropped off at school, and then go home to put on a pot. I go back and forth between French press, and stove top percolator coffee, depending on my mood. That first sip is one I make a point of enjoying, my head hanging over the cup to breath in the deep, dark bourbon notes. I thought it would be nice to treat one lucky reader to a similarly relaxing coffee experience with a $25 Starbucks gift card. Just make me one promise—don’t sip it carelessly. Sit down, grab a magazine, or dare I say a book. Much as I wish every day could be filled with bubble baths and spa visits, it isn’t realistic. A 10 minute coffee break, though, sounds like a great way to sneak some “me” time in our very hectic days.

Music Pairing: The Coffee Song by Cream

Fine Print: This isn’t a sponsored post. It’s just a little gift from me to you, and my way of saying thank you for tagging along on my journey in life through each post I write here. Just leave a comment below, and don’t forget to include your email address so I can send your gift card, if you win. The winner will be chosen by random on Friday, November 15th. ***Open to residents of the U.S. and Canada only.***


  • Katie W. D.

    I love a good cup of coffee. Savoring the first sip is something I should do more often.

    Thank you for your stories, your recipes, and your willingness to share.

    (Not sure if you can access the email I entered with my name, so it’s walton_katie (at) yahoo

  • Cair

    Great idea for a weekly column. I love it when I have a fresh magazine and a great cup of coffee. It really is refreshing.

  • Christeen

    What a nice way to relax! I think sometimes we are busy doing things for others, we forget to take a moment for ourselves. Now, I’m off to book a hot stone massage. : )

  • Mindi

    Isn’t the Aria wonderful? I’m glad you got a chance to relax too. I normally have a cup of coffee when I first get up, but I always look forward to a few more cups after the kids are at school and I can just relax for a few minutes with a nice hot cup.

  • Melissa

    My day has not begun until I’ve had my first cup of coffee! When I don’t brew it myself, it feels extra indulgent. Very sweet to offer to treat a reader to a Starbucks gift card. (fingers crossed!)

  • Dani

    To me, there’s weekday coffee and weekend coffee. Weekday coffee is a necessity. Its fast and quick to the task at hand – waking me up so I can be productive. Weekend coffee is slow and luxurious, often includes frothed milk and sweetener. It sounds like you have my weekend coffee experience on your weekdays – how nice!

  • abbeyviolet

    That sounds lovely. I so enjoyed my stay at Aria. I should have taken the time for a massage while I was there, but perhaps I’ll instead make time for me closer to home. Thank you for the nudge.

  • margaret

    LOVE my coffee…even though I try to avoid caffeine. Sometimes I switch to tea…either way, it soothes me into the day. Thanks for an encouraging post.

  • Jodi Pavlik

    I have enjoyed following your instagram photos of the pillsbury bake-off in Vegas. It looks like so much fun. I would really enjoy the Starbucks treat!!

  • Claire L

    Relaxing is such a good idea! Thanks for the reminder to actually sit down and enjoy life – and the food or drink I’m consuming. It’s too easy to plow through to the next task without ever pausing.

  • Allie

    I’m a total bath advocate so I feel you on that front. I splurge on different scented salts or skin rejuvenating/muscle soak add-ins. I can spend hours just adding bursts of hot water and reading a good book.

    Remind me again why I’m sitting at work and not at home soaking up a hot, steamy bath?

  • Julia

    2 baths in one day sounds heavenly. How wonderful that you were able to find a bit of down time while in Las Vegas to relax and pamper yourself. We all need those stolen moments.

    Not sure how you wait until after you drop the girls off to have that first cup of coffee. Unlike you, my coffee is the 3rd thing I do each and every morning. After making the bed, I brush my teeth and then head for the kitchen and that first cup of goodness. Unfortunately no time for a french press or a stove top percolator. My first cup comes out of a Keurig and my second cup each morning comes from Starbucks!

    Have a great day!

  • Jaima

    As a new mom this is something that is hard, remembering to take time for myself. If I should be selected I would share the rewards with my new moms group so that we can all benefit. Good for you for taking a moment to pause.

  • Louise

    What a lovely, generous gift! Tea is my morning ritual – finish breakfast, send the girls to get dressed and make their beds, and take ten-fifteen minutes to savor a cup of fresh-brewed loose-leaf tea. It helps me face the day so much better than when I go without.

  • Debra

    Thanks Jennie. That’s very generous and thoughtful of you. I would love to check out Starbucks. I’m probably the only one that’s never been there.

  • Kathy H.

    What a nice treat! I’m sitting here sipping my second cup right now. We all need a little ‘me’ time.

  • Avalee

    I’m like you — I wait a bit for my morning coffee… and enjoy it with a little chocolate! 😉 (Taking a little time-out now and then is so important.)

  • Jackie

    How sweet. Thank you for this! I so often want to relax in a tub at night, but I’m too tired or busy to make it happen. Needed this reminder.

  • Jess D

    I recently relocated to IA and was fortunate enough to be allowed to work from home for my current employer in WI. While I love working from home now, I do miss the daily commotion, hustle and bustle at the office.
    Now I eagerly look for reasons to leave the house! Love starbucks and have it in my keurig every morning. 🙂

  • Wendy

    I’ve recently started putting a little almond extract in my coffee. It makes me feel like I am being so decadent without adding anything that bad for me. Sometimes even a dash of cinnamon. Helps me really enjoy it!

  • Sara @ Cake Over Steak

    I love this idea! I’ve been wanting to “treat myself” to a Starbucks date sometime soon … actually sit down and read a magazine and just have some me time. Maybe I”ll win! 🙂 Thanks for sharing with us

  • stephanie b

    in the chaos of the morning routine with the kids this morning my youngest was begging me to play a game with her. at first I said no I didn’t have time b/c I had to get to work, but she is persistent and for that I’m glad. So half dressed for the day, I sat down with her and let myself be extra late for work so we could play a round of hidden pictures. it wasn’t time to myself but it was time for myself and for my little girl. thanks for this jennie!

  • Paige Phillips

    I try to treat myself daily in some small way. Taking time to treat yourself is so important. With the hectic schedules that we all seem to have these days, it is crucial to have that one moment a day when you can be peaceful for a minute and smile inwardly!

  • Susy Slais

    We do have a whirlpool bathtub at home, so I know what it feels like to relax in it! Starbucks is always a nice treat, too! 🙂

  • Sheri Green

    I so enjoy reading your blog and appreciate your openness in regards to everything you have been through. Wishing you a peaceful and relaxing day 🙂

  • Kirstjen

    I love to relax! But with three little ones it doesn’t happen often.

    I also love reading your stories and your cookbook is on my Christmas wish list! 🙂

  • Meggie Wallace

    As a mother of 3 (4, if you include my husband) getting the chance to sit down for a coffee, or anything, is a rarity! However, when it does happen?? Bliss!!!

    ps- Wanted to make a note to thank you for all of your recipes, and the not recipe words. I’ve been trying to slow my brain down a bit lately, and your blog has been helpful! Cheers!

  • Sheila

    Treat yourself Tuesday- what a great idea. I need to learn how to take a little time for myself more often and say “no” once in a while.

  • Michelle

    Jennie, I love your writing, and your passion for food. We share that, and now too I learn we share a passion for coffee! Oh – pick me, pick me!! 😉

  • Stephanie

    What a lovely thought, and a sweet giveaway! I’d love to use it for a couple hot chocolates, now that the snow has officially hit the ground here in Wisco. 🙂

  • Barb Mc

    Thanks for the giveaway. My husband died on Sept. 5. Never thought we’d be connected this way.

  • Grace

    I do the exact same thing. Wait to have my coffee until I return from dropping the kids off and then indulge for a moment or two. Yes, taking time out of a hectic day to relax for a few minutes is usually last on the list.

  • Sara

    Being mindful of those simple, lovely moments helps me get through the more difficult moments in the day.

  • Jen James

    Love my morning coffee. I too, wait until the kids are at school and I’m at work at my desk.
    Thanks for a great blog and the opportunity to win a fun prize.

  • Amanda @ Once Upon a Recipe

    I really must try to schedule in a few minutes of quiet “me” time each day. I actually sat for 10 minutes without any distraction this past Saturday, sipping a hot cup of coffee (my favorite vanilla macadamia nut coffee that I’ve been savoring from my trip to Hawaii last spring) and just enjoyed. It was lovely. Glad to hear you took some time for yourself! Baths are one of my favorite ways to unwind!

  • Shannon

    On Tuesdays, i like to unwind before my skating class by treating myself to dinner. I usually go by myself so its nice to have some quiet time to myself.

  • Linda S. Rodriguez

    Jennie, it’s good you were able to relax in a nice warm bath. Nice of you to share a “Treat Yourself Tuesday” Would be nice to enjoy a Starbucks drink on these cool nights and read a book as I’m covered in my cozy warm blanket 🙂

  • SuzyMcQ

    The day doesn’t begin either officially or unofficially without my coffee. I generally get up and, with the dogs, tip toe, I tip toe, the dogs not so much, down to the kitchen. While the pups are out I brew a nice cup of good coffee, it’s my one indulgence, and either head to the chair with comfy ottoman in the corner of the kitchen, or in the Summer months, head to the front porch to sip and savor the quiet.

    Anytime I’ve ever received a Starbucks gift card I’ve given it to my teen daughter, this time, if lucky, I’ll keep it for myself. Promise.

  • Talia

    I just had THE BEST French press coffee this morning at Luke in New Orleans, after spending the weekend there with my husband, celebrating 20 years since the day he bought the cow. 🙂

  • Maggie

    The thing about morning coffee is it’s a constant good thing in my day. No matter what I have ahead of me, I know that I will always start the day on a positive note, sipping blissfully, ideally with a hearty bowl of oats and fruit.

  • Caitlin Redmond

    Wow, what a nice treat! I am a coffee lover myself, and my favorite way to spend a weekend is curled up with a book and a nice hot beverage!

  • Caroline McKinney

    I absolutely love Starbucks. This would definitely be a special treat as I rarely have extra money to spend there! Thanks for the generosity!

  • Lm

    What a great idea!!and I am glad you got to enjoy some relaxing moments, you more than deserve it 🙂 and if I win I do promise I will be enjoying every sip those $25 can buy. Thank you!

  • Kristen M

    Someday I will have a tub like that. 🙂 I stink at making time for myself. Like you, I’ve begun to wait until the older kids are dropped off at school to make and enjoy my daily coffee. I found that I was gulping it down as I rushed out the door.

  • Susan

    Those precious moments are all too few and far between for most of us, great that you got to grab some m.e. time!

  • Carla G

    I would love a cup of coffee. I always try to take a bath and read a good book at least once a week for some “me time” away from everything.

  • Heather Lopez

    Thank you for the sweet gift of a coffee– or tea in my case! I’m so glad you got some time to relax, it’s crazy how a cup of warmness can help you to smile a little wider! This would be a lovely blessing!

  • Lynn Carbone

    I am jealous of the bath time. My tub is so smal i cant even fit in. I cant remmeber the last bath i had maybe 15 years ago. I should rent a hotel room just to take a few sounds relaxing with my cup of coffee. mmmm

  • Eileen

    I love the first sip….i say the same thing every morning….sweet nectar of the gods…….

    I usually read my email whilst enjoying that first cup

    Thanks for sharing

  • Mandy

    Going through breast cancer I have discovered the need to treat myself occasionally. At least once during my 3 weeks between chemo I find the time for a white chocolate mocha and a few minutes to enjoy.

  • Margaret

    One of my favorite things is to wake up to the smell of fresh brewed coffee. It just finished brewing so I’m going to get a cup and do a little bit of reading before it’s time to get ready for work.

  • Wendy

    Working in a coffeebar before Starbucks even left WA, I have become a coffee snob. Now it is frenchpress or cold brewed only. And only on weekends as that is all I have time for. But Tuesdays..ah, Tuesdays! That is laundry day for my family and my dayoff from the rest of the world. So I do laundry and catch up on whatever reading or tv watching I care to include, by the window for tons of natural light and either a cup of tea or cocoa. Also a very big nap day!

  • Dani H

    Great that you took some time to be good to yourself! We all need to recharge from time to time.

    Thanks for a chance at the giveaway!

  • Catherine Fusco

    What a fabulous idea, Jennie! I think I will make myself a cup of coffee and grab one of favorite magazines before I start my day.

  • Dolly

    What a lovely and generous idea. I’m going to put Treat Yourself Tuesday on my calendar to remind myself that I need some TLC too. Savoring a yummy cup of coffee can go a long way to de-stress. Thank you for sharing the idea.

  • Kathleen

    4 baths a day? Wow, thats insane! I love this idea, because honestly I’m usually so crazed with grad school that I don’t take a second to do a thing to de-stress and relax!

  • sassygirl711

    absolutely love starbucks and friends say I’m a
    true blue coffee snob who knows her beans.
    thanks for the giveaway!

  • Tammi Roach

    I cherish my morning coffee…After I shower, while watching the morning news… before anyone dares speak to me. It has to happen. And Tuesdays are extra special because I meet my best girlfriends every Tuesday morning before work for “fancy” coffee. Our once per week $4 coffee indulgence and to catch up on each other’s lives. Those things we cannot discuss on social forums. I love our Tuesday mornings.

  • Elissapr

    Ok…I think I really need that card because when I first looked at your photo above? I thought they were egg whites in the process of being whipped…

  • Diane

    I am off on Friday’s and I make sure to sit down and really savor my first cup of coffee. Not good that its only once a week, but it makes me feel human again! Thanks Jennie!

  • Jennifer

    I agree, you have to savor those little moments. Even if they are in the car after you have gone through the Starbucks drive through and are waiting to pickup your kids at their school. That first sip should be savored more often!

  • Sharo

    I am drinking a Starbucks Mocha as we speak…I look forward to sitting on the sofa before anyone wakes up enjoying the solitude.

  • Melissa

    I think we all need to take that 10 minutes or so and enjoy things -the hard part is giving yourself permission to do so!

  • Linda

    I truly feel like I treat myself when I take the time to read your posts. They inspire me to plan a meal and to savor the little things in life.
    I look forward to your new “Treat Yourself Tuesday” column!
    Cheers from Maine.

  • Kathryn Flouton

    I go to bed at night dreaming about my morning coffee. Currently loving my Italian moka bialetti on the stovetop. Xoxo

  • Margaret

    One of my favourite parts of the day is my first cup of coffee in the morning. I am experiencing with different blends and roasts right now after being a dark roast only person for many many years. Love to read your blog for the wonderful recipes and personal stories.

  • Carol

    I love reading your posts. I can only imagine how luxurious taking two baths in the same day must have felt. What a treat! Its good to know that you had a relaxing working getaway.
    My coffee is a ritual every morning. I had a rule when my kids were younger….no questions before coffee. That rule was put in place when my oldest who was not yet six asked me a nuclear fusion question as I was making coffee one morning. It was necessary.
    I only have one cup of coffee every day, but the size of the cup has grown over the years. The first sip is always the most important.

  • Lori

    Jennie, I love that in the thick of things you are still thinking of others. I also love that you’ve attended a Pillsbury Bake-Off. Can’t wait for next Tuesday!

  • Anne Weber-Falk

    I am drinking my freshly ground french press coffee right now, as I type this comment. A wee bit of sweetener today and some half and half. Sigghhhh…thank you.

  • Deborah

    Every night I head off to bed, I think, oh my, a hot cup of coffee awaits me in the morning. Knowing it is the small things in life that make life good.

  • Jamie Rippy (@MamaMommyMom)

    I try so very hard to carve out at least 10-15 minutes a day to do nothing but exactly what I want. And it usually involves coffee. When I worked from home, I did the same thing as you an waited until the kids were gone to make/enjoy my coffee. Now that I’m back in an office 5 days a week, I am careful to give myself a little time – usually with a cup of coffee – once everyone settles into bed at night.

    Also, I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story with us for all of this time. I know it’s not an easy one to tell.

    jamie @ mamamommymom dot com

  • Devon Cretella

    I start every day at 5:15 am with a fresh, hot cup of black coffee, usually Starbucks (hooked on their Ethiopian right now). At that hour the house is so quiet and the day holds so much promise.

  • Lisa

    Baths and hot stone massage! I’m glad you treated yourself and thank you for the treat to one of us! Wonderful column idea too!

  • Barb

    I love sipping a cup of coffee, letting it get cool as I work on something, and then warming it up again. It’s my morning rotation.

  • Andrea

    Just realized after I hit submit that I spelled your name incorrectly Jennie. So Sorry! It’s early here on the west coast 😉

  • Diane OConnor

    I too wait until I am alone and can enjoy that first sip of coffee with total concentration. It is usually about 2 hours after I get up in the morning.

  • Linda

    Treating ourselves is key — and especially challenging at some stages of life, like with young children and without a spouse or partner to share the load. Glad you are doing it and thanks for the reminder.

  • cheri

    I, too, savor the first morning cup of coffee, or sometimes tea. I love watching the sun come up and listening to the silence.

  • Michelle

    Baths are so wonderful! Don’t think I have done 2 in one day before. Will have to try that while enjoying a great cup of coffee!

  • Sandy w

    Just back from a walk and getting ready to have a latte. I like to wait until I am back so I can sit and really enjoy it. That is my treat for the day.

  • DJ

    Thanks for the idea of treat-yourself-tuesday. It’s a day that I don’t have to leave the house, and would be a perfect once a week pampering.

  • cathy

    I love the idea, not only the coffee, but the time spent with the one person we should love unconditionally,ourselves.

  • Janice Dunn

    I love the ritual and preparation of a perfect cup of coffee. When things get hectic for me thats what I do, hit the brakes and sit with a cup of coffee for a few minutes to think. 🙂

  • Liz

    glad you enjoyed your massage, hot stone really is my favourite. Love my coffee, sometimes savouring every drop and sometimes a mid morning pick up. Lately I have been consuming a lot of americanos, the coffee shop near my office only carries decafenated espresso beans. thank you for all your wonderful recipes and thoughts.

  • Janice Mason

    Hmm, coffee sounds really good right now. On my budget I consider coffee, out, to be such a treat. 🙂 Glad you were able to relax and unwind.

  • Debbie W

    I am definitely a percolator coffee gal. For me the aroma of perking coffee starts my ‘break’ before I even get it in the cup. I also linger over my coffee, enjoying every sip.

  • Erin

    Tuesday mornings are a special time for me. I am a single mom and a full-time student. Tuesday mornings are the mornings that my Dad takes my son to preschool, and I get to take the morning to work at home in silence. As my Dad is buckling my son up, I rush into the kitchen to start the coffee, and then rush back to the front window so I can wave good-bye to my four year old. And I find that, that cup of coffee always tastes better, as I get to enjoy it, and not have to rush through it. It also makes me that much more productive.

    Enjoy your moments, they often make the other ones bare able.

  • Amy

    It’s important to remember to take time out of our hectic schedules and treat ourselves and others! Sometimes all it takes is a cup of coffee and a good book.

  • Carol Harlig

    I love my morning decaf-vanilla soy-latte and my ritual is to sit and read the morning paper while relaxing and enjoying the coffee and foam. Ahhhh. (It’s almost as good as staying at the Aria Hotel and taking two bubble baths a day…but not quite. Isn’t that an incredible hotel? What about the Toto? ;-))))

  • Bonnie Traylor

    Coffee! I couldn’t make it through the day without it! My eight month old still thinks its fun to get up a couple times a night.

  • Angie G

    And thank you for taking us on your journey… It’s funny, my family acts like I’m crazy because I brew my coffee – deliberately, each and every morning. With a stovetop perculator. And they’re like “don’t you want an automatic coffee maker? or one of those (gross), pre-brewed cups makers? And I’m like “nope, I like this just fine”

  • Kristen

    What a lovely idea. 🙂 Glad you had time to unwind. I do consider a great cup of coffee the ultimate treat!

  • Mary Chuirazzi

    I just “returned” to French Press coffee myself. I love the whole process and like you I wait until my morning “rush” is over and I have time to put a placemat down, get my cup and saucer ready and take 10 minutes to get it together before the day takes over. The coffee is just so superior when made in the press and the sound of the cup hitting the saucer soothes me.

  • Ginnette

    Hey Jennie,
    Reading your posts often serves as a little “me time” and an escape from my daily drudgeries. Glad you were able to carve out some down time. I love a good cup of coffee and way to often for me I combine drinking it with kicking off my work day. I love the idea of slowing down to enjoy such an intragal part of my day.

  • anne harris

    so glad you got some time off for yourself!
    that’s so rare for so many people.

    I only drink coffee on weekends, and savor it, every sip!

  • Stormy Stark

    What a glorious post! I try to take enough “me time” a day to read a chapter of a book. I’m a nicer/better person if I take a little me time daily and I love your description of your coffee ritual.

  • Cindy Parisi

    Jennie: the smell of coffee is almost as good as the taste. You are I’m my prayers daily-I hope you are doing well.

  • Amy

    I’m looking forward to your Treat Yourself Tuesdays posts. So true that we often forget to take care of ourselves.

  • Janet

    I’ve been guilty of taking a hot cup of coffee to the bath tub with me and sipping it while soaking in lots of bubbles!

  • Dottie

    Sometimes it’s tea, sometimes it’s coffee, but no matter which, the first cup of the day is a gift. Lately it’s been all about the coffee… Best wishes to all the Perillo girls today!

  • Dana h

    I adore a good cup of coffee. I treat ever cup like dessert. I will not drink my first cup of the day until I can enjoy it. Sometimes that is not until after I get home from work. Every Tuesday I treat myself to a hot cup of jo while I wait for my son while he completes Kumon.

  • Joyce

    Sweet of you to gift a Starbucks card ! Even more sweet that you share your life so vulnerably. I so look forward to my emails from you!! I love how you put words to your feelings. They have really ministered to me. Thanks!

  • joanne

    Enjoy your posts and sharing them with my family and friends who are as addicted (read) “in love” with food as you are. First cup of coffee in morning is best and weekends when I indulge with a splash of half & half. Thanks for sharing ‘you’ in your blog and books.

  • Renee Kaehler

    I so enjoy reading your posts! You are an inspiration! Enjoy every relaxing moment you can get!!

  • Carol C

    I enjoy my first cup of morning coffee while reading blogs – my daily indulgence. Your post reminds me that I should take advantage of the soaking tub in my bathroom.

    c2willcros at gmail dot com

  • Natalie G

    I love the idea of “Treat yourself Tuesday!” I have only recently begun drinking coffee in the last few years (I am in my 40’s!!) but I sure enjoy being able to sit and sip slowly.

    Ps…love your writing 🙂

  • Maria

    The first sip in the morning is always the best! Hope you had a relaxing day you sure deserve it, thank you for sharing your journey with all of us! Looking forward to see where you go next!

  • Cris

    Glad you had a chance to indulge! I need to savor that first sip more often but hard to do when it’s what keeps me going in the uphill battle of getting my 14 year old son out the door in time for school!

  • Paula

    What a wonderful and sweet gesture to offer up a Starbucks gift card! Thank you for reminding us all how important it is to take care of ourselves, if only for a few minutes each day. I do just as you do — make coffee after my daughter has gone to school. I often get to work on the computer as I drink it, but this week I have been trying to mindfully savor that cup before getting absorbed by work tasks. Thank you for sharing yourself and your family life so generously with all of us. I so enjoy your writing and your recipes — and dearly love your cookbook. It gets lots of use in my kitchen! 🙂

  • Rebecca

    Jennie, you are too sweet. If I win, I would love to take that gift and share it with others – tell everyone to go out and get their coffee and then pass it on to someone else who could use a little treat!

  • YM

    Sounds lovely! I’ve had this fantasy of going to a coffe shop sitting down with a book and coffee for an hour…one of these days!

  • Jennifer Perillo

    ***This giveaway has ended. Congratulations to Stephanie b. on winning the Starbucks giftcard.***