cherry slushies—finally!

As I sat down to share this recipe with all of you, a pang of anxiety took hold. Good heavens, I’ve built this up big time, and there’s always the fear of disappointment. This isn’t to say these slushies won’t leave you looking like Martha Stewart with all your friends, not to mention kids will now worship you, even if you didn’t give birth to them.

The problem is in my mind, this recipe is so easy, it almost seems a non-recipe. I mean, it’s really just adding cherry conserves and ice to a blender.

Are you deflated? Wondering why I kept you in suspense for so long?

Well, I had a good reason, and it’s this—to prove why your time is worth investing in preserving and canning. If you’re a seasoned homecook, then this is a no-brainer for you. The people I wanted to tap into with this slushie are the novices. The ones lurking, waiting to try one of my recipes. You know who you are, and it’s okay. I promise I won’t hold a grudge (this isn’t to say I don’t hold grudges—I’m just more forgiving in the kitchen).

See, all you need is a jar of this in your pantry and you’ll be ready to whip up a dessert sure to conjur oohs and ahhs. Once you experience those accolades, not to mention slurp up a bit of it yourself, you will be one step closer to becoming addicted to cooking from scratch.

I really do believe that. It’s like that proverb “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you’ll feed him for a lifetime”. I’m not trying to get all biblical here, but I am reaching into my gospel of good cooking to encourage you to try something new that will seriously change your life forever.

When I first started canning, about four years ago, all I made was strawbery jam. The next year I added pickles and tomato jam. Last year I pickled green beans and tried my hand at roasted rhubarb jam. This year, I seem to be pickling anything that doesn’t move faster than me.

If you’ve done your homework, then you should have a jar of cherry conserves waiting in your fridge or pantry. Now go get your blender—it’s time to reward yourself.

More jam, preserves and pickle recipes:

blueberry rhubarb preserves

pickled watermelon rind

maple syrup poached peaches

This recipe is now available to paid subscribers on my site, Simmering.  Join thousands of other subscribers now for as little as $2.50/month. Use this link for a special 15% discount on annual subscriptions for being a loyal reader of In Jennie’s Kitchen (that’s only $25.50/year!).