single serve whipped cream
What a cold, icy, rainy Sunday morning here in Brooklyn, NY. I plan on drinking lots of hot cocoa today and the only way to top homemade hot cocoa in my book is with with billowy spoons of freshmade whipped cream. I discovered a way to make "single serving" whipped cream the other night using this handy little frother I got at IKEA a year ago (see picture #2 below). It runs on two "AA" batteries and cost 99 cents. Making whipped cream doesn't get any easier than this. Just pour some heavy cream in a cup, add a bit of confectioner's sugar if you want it sweetened, then immerse the hand frother and use a stirring motion. In about a minute you'll have fresh whipped cream to top hot cocoa, desserts or sundaes.
get the recipe for my homemade hot cocoa

This 99 cent gadget makes that whipped cream.
Now, I don't know about you, but hot cocoa just begs for homemade cookies. Thankfully Jennifer over at Savor the Thyme, today's co-host, made some sweet potato oatmeal cookies. I can't wait to try this recipe myself. Jennifer is also taking part in the Tastemaker Challenge, so be sure to watch her video and then vote for her.

Whole stole a cookie from the cookie jar?
Jennifer's sweet potato oatmeal cookies
But before you make your hot cocoa and cookies, don't forget all the children who won't even have a nutritious meal to eat today. Make a donation to Share Our Strength to help end childhood hunger. You're donation may even win you one of these great prizes.
I'm happy to announce the link to is finally fixed, so go check it out In Jennie's Kitchen and my other great 12 Days of Sharing co-hosts. And, I promise to get all those links into the virtual cookie jar this afternoon. I took off most of yesterday to spend some uninterrupted time with the kiddies.
What a FANTASTIC idea! I LOVE the single serving concept – now I need to go get my $0.99 whipper 🙂
Yeah for being featured on – Congrats and I LOVE the 12 days of sharing even if I don’t always have the time to comment 🙂