Organizing Recipes

Sorry it's been a week since I've posted. Between going to Chicago for BlogHer '09 and coming home to the departure of my dear kitty, Sam the cat, it's been a bit busy. Those following on twitter already know I made chicken pot pie last night in his honor, and I'll be posting that recipe very soon. I came home with a bag of White Lily flour and of course the first test had to be biscuits. Thanks again @GrillGirl for a really great biscuit recipe, but don't worry Dorie, I still love yours too. White Lily can't be beat and I'm ready to drive to the closest store south of NYC to load up the trunk. I've added it to my online shop but be forewarned that it costs a lot to have shipped since it's calculated by weight (cue duh). I'll include both recipes when the post is up.

And now for the main attraction. While at BlogHer '09 I was reintroduced to a site that launched a few months ago. When I first joined, there were only a handful of members. Now there's over 20,000. I know, you think there's no extra time for dilly dallying on the computer. I thought it too, and that's why I hadn't been back for a visit. Turns out Springpad actually saves you time online.

See this snapshot? It's one of my recipes that I "sprung" to my public profile. I can also browse springpad for other recipes. If you're like me and have a ton of recipes saved in your bookmarks, then pay attention. Simply add the "spring it!" button to your bookmark bar and it's virtual recipe clipping in one convenient place. You can even make shopping lists. It's for lots more than food too, so check it out for yourself. And, while I did get a firsthand demo from Spingpad's fabulous intern, Alanna from The Good Girl Gone Blog, this is no way a paid endorsement. I just really liked the application and have been springing away the last couple of days. Hope it helps you get organized, lord knows I need some help in that department.